Ashkenazis "Jews" are not semites linguistically

Ashkenazi "Jews" are not semites they speak Yiddish which is a European language written with a semetic alphabet and not a semetic language and if Ashkenazis do speak Hebrew it is only at a very low level of ability to get by in a bar-mitvah or a recent phenoma after the fabrication of Israel where as Palestinians spoke semetic middle eastern languages like Arabic and Aramaic fluently prior to the creation of the fake State of Israel


Legend tells that the Jewish Harkonnen will be kicked out of Arrakis and the Fremen will prevail.


They supposedly do not have ordos in the originial books by the original author but they are in some of the Dune video games

"Jews" are house ordos
Muslims are Harkonen
And Christian Aryans are house Atreides

Ordos uses mind control weapons and trade
Harkonen uses brute force

Not a perfect match because "Jews" act like both Ordos & Harkonen

Memory of my guesse from 3rd party info

Orange Catholic Bible in Dune

Orange movement in protestant vs catholic Ireland influenced author


I'm still learning the Dune universe - which i'm really enjoying - so I don't yet have a developed sense of the various actors and how they might map onto real-world actors and events.

I'll revisit this when I'm more knowledgable and share my thoughts.

Current thoughts: the Bene Gesserit are an interesting galactic-empire political force that map to some form of Feminsim that doesn't ideologically exist today.

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