Army banning all confederate battle streamers, let’s listen to the badass /r/army guys as they leave their exclusion zone to go mock people on twitter.

These faggots love talking about how confederates were “traitors” while they shit on their own family.

I had something similar a while back, when someone told me about how trustworthy a WWII history book was because it was written in the 90’s… if they didn’t already have half a century of religious holocaust worship coloring things by then

@WashedOutGundamPilot "My source is more recent than your source" is the total opposite of how history works.


@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot

Jehovah Witnesses also have a thing about ignoring all the old documents from their organization that predicted the end of the world because they should not follow the old light but the new light

There are many examples of other religious groups also ignoring their old history when used as an example that their authority figure is not always correct and just looking at the most recent thing their authority figure said and assuming it is certified to be true

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