
Which is more dangerous?

Ashkenazi or Sephardic "Jewish" immigrants

Black African immigrants

· · Web · 4 · 1 · 3

I should have included that this is regarding letting in an equal number of immigrants of whatever type in the poll description

Since four people already voted at the time I am typing this, I am not going to delete and redraft this poll.

Why should I have mentioned an equal number?

If there are more Black Africans than Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jews"

People might assume letting in Black African immigrants would mean letting in a greater number of immigrants in than letting Jews come in

@shortstories - I read that as: "under which condition am I more likely to get stabbed?" 🤔


You import 1 Jewish immigrant and he is the tie breaker vote for a law that allows unlimited immigration of black African immigrants

You import 1 black African immigrant in & he can not get elected to pass such a law as to allow unlimited other black African immigrants in because he can not get into office to vote without the help of Jew money

Importing 1 Jew immigrant results in a chain event of a lot of black immigrants coming over where as importing 1 black immigrant does not

@shortstories - That's all well and good. But the question only states that the numbers are the same... and what if it's not one, but 10,000?

I'd rather live next to 10,000 Jews than 10,000 Africans. The lawns and properties will well-maintained. It would be a pleasant neighborhood to walk through. The foreign cooking smells won't be so foreign. You can talk to people if the need arises - like if they're parking somewhere they shouldn't. You just say "hey sorry guy, there's no parking here.💁🏻‍♂️"

@shortstories - ...and that's as far as the parking conversion goes. With African migrants, you gotta tap into your Native American sign language routine... Just to get them to move their car, which they may or may not do, once they understand.

I do get the point here, that Jews are more politically potent. But if one jew is the tie-breaking vote... Then my society is already beyond fucked. And Jews make for better neighbors.

Put a gun to my head, and make me choose & I'm picking Jews. 💁🏻‍♂️

Niggers are much worse, both short term and long term.


Any diversity is toxic; it does not matter which group.

Mono-ethnic nations have a future, poly-ethnic ones do not.

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