Supporters of "Polocaust" resent the attention the Holocaust receives which is per their view exaggerated by Jews.[3] Proof that the Germans constructed a gas chamber to kill non-Jews, coupled with as many as 200,000 additional victims of the Warsaw Uprising, leading to 400,000 non-Jewish victims in Warsaw would create a parity between Jewish and non-Jewish Poles and would make the Holocaust less unique.[3][16]

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Does the name Thunberg sound like the anti-semitic frog name Funderburker because all frogs are anri-semitic?

Pepe the Frog is now on par with the Swastika and the Confederate Flag.



The lantern is kept lit by the oil from Edelwood Trees, a type of tree that forms when the Beast captures the souls of children led astray. For many years the Woodsman has chopped the wood and collected the oil from it without knowing how the trees were created. that forms when the Beast captures the souls of children led astray. For many years the Woodsman has chopped the wood and collected the oil from it without knowing how the trees were created

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