Supporters of "Polocaust" resent the attention the Holocaust receives which is per their view exaggerated by Jews.[3] Proof that the Germans constructed a gas chamber to kill non-Jews, coupled with as many as 200,000 additional victims of the Warsaw Uprising, leading to 400,000 non-Jewish victims in Warsaw would create a parity between Jewish and non-Jewish Poles and would make the Holocaust less unique.[3][16]

Word limit


Does the name Thunberg sound like the anti-semitic frog name Funderburker because all frogs are anri-semitic?

Pepe the Frog is now on par with the Swastika and the Confederate Flag.


How can Greta be so wrong about CO2 but so correct about Jews

What if Greta is a fiction Character?

What if Greta was created to be entrapment

What if the purpose of Greta is to get anti-semitic activists interested in her then they finally are about to meet Greta in person

But it is a police officer who says come on could you really believe Greta was over 18 you knew she was lying about her age and now you are going to jail


Personally, I'm finding the whole thing really really interesting, and mainly for the following reason:

Each new major shitshow to hit the world stage has brought everyones biases out into the light - individuals, couples, families, institutions, races, sexes, generations - everyone.

It started with Trump & TDS but it's now so much more - vaxx/anti-vaxx, zio/anti-zio, atheist/christian, globalist/nationalist, feminist/redpill, etc..

I've learned a ton about the people I know.



Mike Peinovich, who used the online pseudonym Mike Enoch, was the founder of the popular white nationalist website The Right Stuff (TRS) and co-host of the podcast “The Daily Shoah,” a play on the Hebrew term for the Holocaust.

is morbidly obese

Peinovich also admitted that his wife was Jewish

posting pictures online of him and his wife in gas chambers.

it just feels like they’re just more actors in the same play being orchestrated by the Jews.


In my worldview that's just clear demonic behavior: deliberately sowing chaos and then laughing at the reaction. It's like a form of parasitic feeding.

That's the Jewish way.


someone can be a raging anti-Semite (or perform raging anti-Semitism, as if there’s a difference) despite having had day-to-day exposure with Jewish people. Once again, this is upsetting for anyone who felt safe, as a Jew in an area with many Jews, knowing at least that they were unlikely to be anyone’s First Jew, to whom it’s now occurring that the alt-right menace could be in front of you on line at Citarella.

More exposure to Jews -> More anti-semitism


That cuts both ways.

To suddenly find out that your Greatest Ally, the one in front you at Citarella always hated you and was laughing at you behind your back the whole time while he stole your money and poured filth into the ears of your children, would be a little upsetting for anyone.

And that's to say nothing of the 6 yr old Palestinian kid.


The Jews need people like Mike Enoch to spread hate against the Jews online so that more people donate money to stop people like Mike Enoch

What if he was working with the Jews all along to raise funds for them and Mike Enoch was Jewish?

That or his wife was really mean to him and turned him into a anti-semite?


> The Jews need people like Mike Enoch to spread hate against the Jews online so that more people donate money to stop people like Mike Enoch

This. Their culture is like a self-replicating trauma machine. Trauma, real and imagined, is the lifeblood of what drives them.

It's baked into their metaphysics. Think of trauma as the Faustian price every generation has to pay in exchange for worldly power.



The altered selfie shows Thunberg holding a book by 16th-century German theologian Martin Luther titled, “On the Jews and their Lies.”

The image surfaced on X (archived) and Facebook (archived).

The image is altered, however.

Thunberg posted the original image via her X account on Feb. 14 (archived) and it shows her holding her book titled, “The Climate Book.”

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