We should encourage males who have behavioral traits we want to see in the next generation to be better able to reproduce than males who have behavioral traits we do not want to see in the next generation in general regardless of skin color or what ethnicity people call them

This might end up favoring a higher percent of people with certain skin colors or ethnicities but the goal should not be to favor certain skin colors or ethnicities in all circumstances

If you want a safety & prosperity

@shortstories - That's working against our biological programming. Very rare is the man (I'd say "no man", but there might be one guy out there) who would encourage another man to be more successful in reproduction than himself.

So, sad to say, I don't think it could ever go anywhere as a societal strategy... Unless the post is an elaborate euphemism for purging undesirables. Then... maybe. 🤔 But it would be a lot of work. 💁🏻‍♂️ Might be better to let nature run its course. 🫡🍻

@shortstories - I suggest no welfare for the lazy and unproductive.

But there's still a PUA man-whore problem... you know, the guys who are just after new conquests, consequences be damned. They are a problem.

For that, I suggest official ownership of women. Sex outside of marriage is definitively either adultery or rape. Rape is punishable by beheading or castration. Adultery is punishable by expulsion with nothing. I think that would help solve the PUA problem. 🍻

@shortstories - I just remembered, I've overlooked prostitution. 🤔 It will always exist. Under my proposal though, it will be a profession for ownerless women. These would be girls who starting fucking before marriage, or ex-wives who have been expelled from their marriages for adultery.

They will likely have short careers, before becoming destitute and succumbing to whatever variety of STD they catch. But their downfall will not be entirely in vain, for they can be an example to others.


Not purging them through violence

Just stop using fraud and violence to make people do work to give to other people without their consent if they have done no wrong

This will cause people who use fraud and violence to take from people what they produce to not have the resources to multiply and "support" a family via enslaving others but only to support one other ways

This type of artificial selection would produce a safer society to live in than artificial selection through welfare



It can also mean other things

If you do not like a culture where men kiss each other on the lips as a greeting for example you should be allowed to not do business with any men who do that and to do business with men who do not do that

Then the men who have the undesired behavior will be poorer

And in the future there will be less men who do that in the society

It can be whatever behavioral trait you want to eliminate or support existing in the future

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