Ok I finished Cowboy Bebop and overall I give it a Watch Samurai Champloo instead/10

Probly won't rewatch anything but the last 5 episodes.

I watched the 1st 20 episodes subbed and was bored af

I also noticed they changed some of words in the dub that IMO made the dialog more intersting and mature.

Also Faye in the hub was a 1-dimensional annoying cunt but in the sub she was much more bearable.


@basedbagel Try full metal Alchemist Brotherhood after Samurai Champloo

@VeganMGTOW Who knew a vegan could have such good taste in anime?

one of those is my favorite of all time.

Another is in my top 5

@basedbagel @VeganMGTOW

If you like slow plotlines Princess Tutu is really a scary horror series
but you have to make it to the end to see how scary it is

Karakuri Circus is even slower than Princess Tutu or cowboy bebop and it matters what order you watch it in although it might make more sense if you watch it out of order because they explain the plotline out of order

Yugi-oh is much slower than cowboy bebop

which yugi-oh? Exactly

Dragon ball z is probably much slower than cowboy bebop


@basedbagel @VeganMGTOW

Pokemon might have one of the slowest timelines of them all

I heard it took 20 years of episodes for Ash to become a pokemon master

Did Ash become a pokemon master, I do not know and I do not care

Monster Rancher is super fast timeline compared with everything else I listed

The person trapped in a video game reality wins the game completes it and escapes the video game not once but twice in the series so you divide the completion time for the series by two

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@shortstories @VeganMGTOW

"Did Ash become a pokemon master, I do not know and I do not care"

Exactly! They just want to sell toys and keep the $$ rolling in forgetting that some of us watch shows for the plot.

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