Fear of God is to encourage people not to make bad choices because they know there is a higher power that they can not negate and that the higher power can cause consequences they can not negate with their lower mortal power if they make bad choices
This is a prerequisite for understanding that without forgiveness one would be condemned
Using forgiveness as a license for wrongdoing results in ignoring the consequences of wrongdoing & inflicting them upon oneself Jude 1:4
You are not saying the world or the earth is a flat circle but time is a flat circle?
What does it even mean for time to have a shape?
If you understand the physical consequences of actions first and then realize you need forgiveness and also try not to do the thing with bad physical consequences that is beneficial
If you start with the idea of forgiveness and think that forgiveness will protect you from physical consequences so you do not have to understand the physical consequences of actions that means you have no fear of God and it will result in you experiencing the ignored effect of bad choices
To have fear of God is to acknowledge natural law
To lack fear of God is to ignore natural law
The perceived need of forgiveness for one's faults is related to fear of God
Someone who does not admit their faults may tend to ignore natural law & lack fear of God
Natural Law is very similar to the
Non Aggression Principle video
Natural Law Seminar - New Haven, CT
Mark Passio