One of the greatest tricks ever played on the public was the idea that child celebrities just "go crazy" for no reason by the time they become an adult.

"The fame and pressure just got to them and it was too much for their young minds!"

Hey, maybe it is all the pedophiles that are in the entertainment industry causing psychological damage to these kids! Or are we to just believe kids "go crazy" for no reason?

We already know that the media is not to be trusted when it comes to political coverage, but it should not be reach to consider that they should not be trusted with other things that are "non-political" such as entertainment.

The fact that the media went so hard against Michael Jackson to label him as crazy (though maybe that is true to some extent) while they ignored/covered for so many others makes me think he was innocent of the accusations.

Come to think of it, he was famous as a kid too.

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