@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Estrogen strengthens bones and is sometimes a good thing

Drinking enough whole milk to get Calcium RDA would exceed Saturated Fat Upper Limit

Soy Milk usually has the majority of it's Calcium from artificially added Calcium not from Soy

Soy can legally be sold genetically engineered unless labeled to indicate otherwise

It is difficult to get enough Calcium from plant sources to achieve RDA without Calcium supplements because most people would vomit or get to full

@shortstories @Stahesh Green leaves like Kale, lettuce have all The calcium you need Also iron diferent from The hemeiron un meat that Is a Well know cáncer promote sustance

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Take the listed RDA from government sources

Choose your "best" plant source

Calcium RDA in milligrams / ( milligrams of calcium per volume of plant source )

You can eat the largest size bag of raw uncooked leafy green plant and still get under the RDA if you eat the whole bag

Most people can not eat the whole bag in a single meal or perhaps even a single day

You would have to eat multiple things of frozen concentrated spinach that would make most people sick


@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

I think we should drop the words masculine & feminine from the English language

Only the words male & female should be used & only to refer to anatomy not behavior

The idea of masculine & feminine nouns, verbs, pronouns, names & adjectives should be removed

Something does not change biological gender because it changes linguistic gender

Linguistic gender & the ideas of masculine & feminine behavior are abominations

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