Why do people oppose secession?

Why would you want to live in a place that is diametrically opposed to your views?

Because people who have your views do not make as productive slaves as the people who you are enslaving who are opposed to your views

@shortstories - People generally only oppose secession for people who aren't them.

Californians would say Texans shouldn't be able to split, but California should have the option.

And Texans might say that California shouldn't be able to secede... But Texas reserves the right.


we assume that Texans are the ones most interested in secession from Commie America ...

but it's actually commie states like California who want secession the most because they think America is run by Nazi and they want to establish their own Commie paradise by seceding ...

in other words Commies hate us even more than we hate them ...

@9c2e0a870413773cb915b9c9cd2e1cbd17e53ae2b0a86aba5e5bf0fc13c420d2 @YoMomz

Californians are opposed to secession because then they can not enslave Texans

They want to enslave Texans with a top down authority and letting Texans seceed would prevent that

The older the generation the more likely they are to oppose secession from what I heard with attackthesystem dot com with Keith Preston & or the AllNations Party former Presidential Candidate who ran on a platform of secession


@9c2e0a870413773cb915b9c9cd2e1cbd17e53ae2b0a86aba5e5bf0fc13c420d2 @YoMomz

If conservative states seceed then baby boomers & older outside conservative states will lose social security money because they can not tax Texas

or more technically they will get the money but it will be worthless without the physical resources & services produced by conservative states that they trick or physically coerce into labor through tacation

This is more technically true because money is unlimited

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