"Be yourself" is indeed poor advice for men. Whether or not you think you are not being "yourself" as you are, "yourself" can be someone different.

Are you skinnyfat or a spooky scary skeleton? You can fix that by making yourself go to the gym. You might not always like doing that, but you will like the results. You can transform yourself into something better.

Maybe "yourself" is not good at music. Practice, and you can become a better musician.



If you pretend to like and dislike different things than you do to impress women then if you get a woman who likes you because of who she thinks you are then she will dump you if you act like you really like and dislike the things you do which will result in self inflicted torture by avooding things you like and exposing yourself to things you dislike to prevent getting dumped

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@shortstories Yes, you should not be fake in order to attract the opposite sex. The message I am saying and the video is saying that you should change yourself, genuinely. You are not frauding as a fit person if you actually get fit. You are not being fake if you adopt better traits from good habits. Being yourself is more than just the various interests you may have that say very little about you as a person.

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