Can the birth rate be increased by changing the school and college curriculum to include different talking points while still allowing women to attend school & college

@shortstories Iran proves that even a theocracy isn't enough as long as you educate women.



I want to know what they are being educated in

If they have psychology or sociology courses that is going to default to a large enough percent of the same talking points that are used in the Democrat party in the United States to lower birth rates even in a Muslim country

That would also happen even with economics and political science if the courses are imported from Europe or the United States

They might remove talk of LGBT rights as good but keep "socialist" economics

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If they import environment science courses they will argue to lower the population to save the environment and to regulate CO2 emmissions which will lower the earning power of men reducing the population

In fact I would argue that even if women were not allowed to attend college simply having taxpayers pay for men to take these type of college courses and mandatory public or private school courses that teach the same talking points as the Democrat Party would reduce the population

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