As long as billionairres and trillionairres can make wealth by tricking people into working for them through taxation do they really care if women can vote?

If the only way to continue to tax men is to allow women to vote then they will allow women to vote

If the only way to continue to tax men is to abolish women voting then they will abolish women voting

Is there anything wrong with this claim?


At some level of wealth, money is boring and totally irrelevant. When any material possession can be yours, the only game worth playing is power.

The world is a chessboard to such types.

@UncleIroh @shortstories The value of their papers comes from Malé comply eventually they Will have to take woman rights but who knows with these people I think The fell into their own gaslighting AND Weak as Their offspring seems (look George Soros junior) I think They Will lose their power first before ever thinking about TWRA.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

What if the reason people are finding TFM videos in youtube suggestions is because they are thinking about taking away women's rights to keep the tax farm from collapsing

@shortstories @UncleIroh Who knows maybe you are into something but why don't give TFM a bigger audience like do a streaming with Joe Rogan or something like or maybe boiling The frog slow to avoiding making The same mistake with The COVID-19


@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

Maybe there will be backlash if they are too open about what they are doing in too obvious a manner too quickly

Archaix predicted that society will quickly flip over to "conservative" Fascism ( I think he is saying it will be similar to what some people who identify as White Christian Republican Men [ who are not libertarians ] support ) in some of his interviews on the paranormies

I am not sure if he means a type of fascism that he believes would be good or bad

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@shortstories @UncleIroh Well like TFM stated before Now that The Left Is in power they Will stop with The communist/socialism and Will go full facist but that is somewhat retarded cause they make sure to destroy The white Male population support that Is basically The first step to start a facist regime

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

They will become Jewish Fascists except they already are Jewish Fascists

@shortstories @UncleIroh The Jewish Malé population isn't Big enough (except in Israel)

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

Capitalism = Corporations own means of production and are primarily independent of the government except a tax

Fascism = Government owns corporations who own means of production

Marxism = Government owns means of productiins

Socialism = Workers own means of production, this can be communist or fascist

Distributism = Families own means of production

We are in Fascism in which Jews own the corporations through the government and the government through corporations

If the workers own the means of production in socialism, and the government owns the means of production in communism/fascism, how can socialism be communist or fascist?

Also assuming capitalism means a free market, the means of production don't have to be owned by a corporation. You can trade in your own name or form other types of legal structure like a coop. Corporations are just a handy way of managing multiple owners.

Everything I've read about distributism sounds nice at first glance, but it tends to all boils down to the government acting as a giant arbitor of all economic power to make things "fair", which inevitably means it'll devolve into fascism/communism.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

The Jewish population is big enough to dominate a much larger population through

mind control undue influence unethical influence brainwashing fraudulent communication social engineering

As long as the social persuasion works they can control a much larger population then their own population

If the population understands the social persuasion methods used on them then they can no longer dominate it

The enemy is not a big boss with a big weapon but a weak liar

@shortstories @UncleIroh Yeah that Is why I don't think They even need to own The means of production they already have something More powerful that Is Media and The paper pritting machine I think this method Goverment Is a New one that isn't facist, Communist, socialism neither capitalism Is a weird mix of all of above

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh

I am not even sure they are Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews on the top

I am not even sure they are human on the top

I am not sure they are not human either

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