Which is the biggest reason college lowers women's birth rates?

Note :

An option that it does not lower birth rates is not included because I am limited to four options

I included that option in a previous poll which is no longer there because I deleted to include a different option

The fourth option would be a claim that if they discover sone true thing that is really true that is taught in colleges then they decide not to have children or have as many children


> Which is the biggest reason college lowers women's birth rates?

The option that makes the most sense is the one that's missing: time and energy.

College commits their time and energy to things completely unrelated to starting a family.

Those 2 fundamental things are a finite resource during a woman's most fertile period. It's simple displacement.



I am limited to four options so I might redo this poll and pick the top three choices people voted for vs the option you list or you can create a poll with that option

I might not create it because I spend too much time on here and should decrease that amount of time spent

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