While I was too young to vote during the W. Bush presidency, I still was far too blind to the fact that having a America as the world police has very little to do with most other right wing politics. The biggest part of the deception was the premise that "we have to get them there before they attack us here!"

Given all the warranted doubt that comes with the whole 9/11 narrative, we should be more prepared to question why we ever have had military intervention in so many countries.

I have a theory that much of the intervention taking place during the W. Bush years and beyond were just a carryover for our military policy from the Cold War years. With the Cold War being over by the 90s, we still had quite a hefty military and less apparent justification for the spending and size of military.

So, given what we know about institutions, would we expect those working in the military and those who profit from having a large military to just allow the military to shrink?

The way I see it, the War on Terror and other operations were just another justification to keep the money flowing. After all, you cannot justify keeping much of the military around without any wars to fight.

Thus, we had the premise that we needed to preemptively put down any threats from around the world before they came to our doorstep. And any opposition to this premise was considered unpatriotic. And as we know, the American right prided themselves as patriotic.



"without any wars to fight."

I believe that in 1984 book & or movies

The countries said they went to war against other countries but did not go to war against other countries

They found they could not defeat the other countries but still needed war to influence public behavior?

They sent explosive bombs & or explosive missiles into their own countries territory to convince people they were at war and in doing so better modify their behavior

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