>For those not aware Ireland had a retarded referendum that was intentionally made as ambiguous as possible to confuse nigger goyim cattle. The TLDR is that the government was trying to gender neutrify and trannify the definition of what the state recognizes as a family unit. Changing it from married couple to 'other durable relationship'.

>There are many implications, but for real actual men the implications are this. Even if your not married you still get treated as such in legal sense if the court 'decides' it. Divorce rape without being married. Government intervention in family unit. Faggotry family recognized as legally equal to straight natural family etc.

>Pure globohomo slippery slope degeneracy garbage. Instead of this utter shite we should get a referendum on whether we want JEET colonization in our fucking country.

Get fucked you kikes.




"Ireland had a retarded referendum that was intentionally made as ambiguous as possible"

Changing it from married couple to 'other durable relationship'.

"Even if your not married you still get treated as such in legal sense "

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