Just think about how much more productive and efficient our economy would be if companies did not have to hire so many dead weight employees that are only there to avoid a lawsuit. A lot of money is wasted because our government will overtly or covertly make life a living hell for companies who do not bend the knee to DIE policies.

I really doubt employers want to throw money down the drain for positions that lead to not only no additional productivity, but often less productivity.

Overt actions would be the government stepping in directly. But covertly, we see many frivolous lawsuits to go through the courts while the government either sits by or is actively encouraging the people initiating the lawsuits to force companies to waste money on lawyers for cases that never should have gone to court.

My guess is salaries for do-nothing positions are cheaper than lawyers for many employers.



It is an important goal of cult leaders to waste their employees time so that employees will not have time to figure out they are in a cult

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