Did some hate watching of this video. Lots of leftist bullshit involved, but this part was peak irony. So the man who thinks himself a woman is discussing the topic of phantasms, something your mind does when dealing with contradictions by producing outlandish explanations.

Yes, the tranny is telling you that the "conspiracy theorists" are crazy while "she" is completely sane while larping as a woman. And he tries to throw it back by attacking those who do not accept tranny bullshit ideology.

Other silly things in this video include "The World Economic Forum is one of the most capitalist organizations there is" when it's chairman Klaus Scwhab is advocating for "stakeholder capitalism," which is just communism with a flimsy mask that calls itself capitalist. I have read his book The Great Reset, you deluded tranny. His ideas are by no means capitalist as their implementation would only take place with a heavy government hand.



Capitalism has multiple definitions

Socialism has multiple definitions

Anarchism has multiple definitions

Communism has multiple definitions

Fascism has multiple definitions

Communism & Capitalism can be one and the same which some people call Fascism but which I like to call reverse communism

Fascism or Reverse Communism is where the owners of Capital who are in charge of corporations have the government tax the working class employees in order to give to Capitalist CEOs

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All of those things only have multiple definitions because jews like to smudge things in order to win arguments by deceit.

"Stakeholder capitalism" has nothing in common with anything we'd recognise as capitalism, it's basically just the usual kike schtick of running everything by committee, because that's how they find it easiest to wield soft-power.

@Eiregoat @houseoftolstoy

Capitalism is bad if a Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jew that is anti Gentile is allowed to run corporations

It's bad for that organisation and anyone interacting with it, but in a distributed economy the damage is limited and in a competitive economy the organisation will soon be replaced.

The real danger comes when they gain access to courts and regulatory bodies, or create them. Once they have coercive power over the market they start to centralise it and eradicate competition, so infected organisations no longer fail and can't be sidestepped.

Then the damage becomes endemic and eventually society collapses.
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