@Tfmonkey there is tradcuck that says high-intensity interval training for mothers will make them produce extra metabolic hormones. He encourages breastfeeding mothers to exercise. Doesn’t exercise make women infertile?

@Indignation If they're trying to keep up with the men, yes, but "high intensity" for women should be fine.

@Indignation @Tfmonkey

Exercise would make most women in the USA more likely to be able to conceive and not be infertile because obesity makes women infertile

But a small percent of women exercise hard enough or do not eat enough of certain nutrients for their amount, schedule and type of exercise that it makes them infertile

Most women do not have the self discipline to do this but some do

It is related to the female athletic triad

@Indignation @Tfmonkey

Some women do not eat enough of the right kind of food to balance out their exercise

This can result in not having a period

Exercise induced Anemia can occur

My guess this would be high calorie exercise combined with a diet low or insufficient in protein, carbohydrate and iron

High Intensity Interval Training HIIT and Low intensity Endurance exercise both burn a small amount of calories per week compared to high intensity endurance exercise


@Indignation @Tfmonkey

Because the intensity is so high on HIIT it can not be sustained long enough to burn as many calories as high intensity endurance exercise

High intensity endurance exercise burns more calories in the same number of hours as low intensity endurance exercise

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@Indignation @Tfmonkey

My guess is this either happens to women with eating disorders or women who are trying to get very fast time on events like marathons

If some women eats enough & is doing casual weight lifting and long distance walking or slow jogging they will probably not lose their period from exercise

Maybe if they are not fit enough slow jogging might cause it, I do not know but I do not think slow jogging alone would cause a woman who is in good physical shape to lose her period

@Indignation @Tfmonkey

"During athletic training, many people think amenorrhea, or the halting of your menstrual cycle, is normal. But it’s not. And according to registered dietitian Kate Patton, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD, it can indicate a serious problem with your diet."

"It is one part of the Female Athlete Triad"

"Female athletes with one risk factor are more likely to develop — or to already have — the other two."


@Indignation @Tfmonkey

"“Female athletes who are most susceptible to restricting calorie intake are those who are involved in excessive exercise, play sports that require weight checks or are involved in sports that benefit from a leaner body composition"

"“Many women are in denial about developing exercised-induced anorexia from disordered eating. But missing a period is a sign that they are not eating enough and need further evaluation.”


@Indignation @Tfmonkey

Maybe if they were doing High Intensity Interval Training for much longer than reccommended or more days per week than reccommended or if they were not physically fit then it could cause a loss of periods

But doing the amounts reccommended by various associations that are considered credible by exercise physiologists, athletic & personal trainers & physical & occupational therapists would probably not cause a loss of a woman's period in most cases with proper diet

@Indignation @Tfmonkey

I am not giving legally binding advice or medical advice

But I would guess

Doing High Intensity Interval workouts for only twenty minutes at a time and no more than once every 72 hours would not cause loss of periods in most physically fit women that eat a diet with sufficient nutrients

@Indignation @Tfmonkey

Even if soneone is eating enough according to the official nutrition guidelines high intensity endurance exercise beyond a certain limit can reduce instead of increase red blood cells or cause exercise induced anemia from what I understand

If I had to guess most people of either gender do not have the time, endurance, willpower and pain tolerance to accomplish doing this to themselves

But if a woman did this she might lose her period even if she ate enough nutrients

The only exercise women should do is fucking me for hours on end. This can result in a loss of menstruation.
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