@Pain66 I have played the Fallout games and the zombies smell terrible and is why everyone hates them even when they are nice

@ChurnHinge @Pain66

Proof that most women are morally evil people who prefer mass murderers even if the mass murderers are ugly

This is evil because it helps mass murderers reproduce resulting in more mass murderers in the world

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@ChurnHinge @Pain66

They also prefer sadistic evil people and that shows they are evil for reasons mentioned above

@shortstories @ChurnHinge @Pain66 True one part is your looks the other is your personality like the tradisional bully in movies compare to shy nerd.

He never gets the girl until he start acting like chad

Because women are emotional so your actions create some emotions in her and based on this she decide if you are strong or weak.

But emotions are retarded so this is why it is so fucking confusing to guys that use logic.

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