

My Guess

possible to convert hydrocarbon plastic into hydrocarbon fuel according to chemistry theory because chemicals conpounds are just different arrangements of the same elements but a question would be how much energy is spent in the conversion process

I do not know if it can be done that way

I do not know if the process would result in toxic waste or fumes

It would be very easy to fake to get a lot of views

& if a black person does it then it would get even more views

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@shortstories @LysanderMooner Maybe.

But he only showed the result and it was so small amount so I wonder how many plastic waste would be needed for this tiny glass.

And how long it would take to produce this amount of this crude diesel?

So there are more questions so for now I will say it would be not worth it.

@Stahesh @LysanderMooner

Presuming it works and uses a lot of plastic waste for a small amount of fuel

It would still be potentially valuable from an environmental perspective if it can get rid of plastic waste in a non toxic manner

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