"Early studies by the same investigator suggested that supplementation with 100 mg/day-200 mg/day of vitamin B6 for several months might improve CTS symptoms in individuals with low vitamin B6 status (112, 113)."
The upper limit for b6 for a human over 19 years old is 100 milligrams per day
b6 is water soluble so it is best taken multiple times per day or in time released tablets but time released is vague if the duration is unspecified



CTS = Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Carpal tunnel causes symptoms in the thumb, index, middle and ring finger and is aggravated by bending or putting pressure on the wrist

Ulnar neuritis causes symptoms in the ring finger and pinky and is aggravated by bending or putting pressure on the elbow

Both can be aggravated by prolonged computer use if the computer is used in a certain manner that aggravates the ulnar or median nerve

If the radian nerve is effected it will effect the thumb

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