

Years ago people would post memes on Facebook showing & claiming that pornhub had a hannukah menorah logo during Hannukah

Supposedly some or one of the largest porn platforms in the world are owned by a Orthodox Jewish Rabbi

The Mormon Church institution also owns stock in corporations in the porno business if I remember what Shawn McCraney said correctly

The Mormon Church thing is different if they just own baskets of diversified stock

But the Rabbi went out of the way to do it

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Honestly I think the Christian Churches should own stock in a porno business and only have adult legal age actors who are married to each other do the acting

They could say the Church promotes sex for married people with their spouses

But if you notice the themes that Jews promote in the porno business is sex outside of marriage and transgender sex and homosexual sex between two males, all which many people would say are forbidden in the old testament

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