I oppose the zionist so called Christians

But if I understand you correctly you said they claim that they want a bunch of Jews to die in a war over Israel so Jesus can come back

Some would not phrase it that way

They claim when Jesus comes back a bunch of Jews will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and admit they were wrong about rejecting him

They claim God will save the Jews when they are attacked by last minute supernatural intervention

Might claim some might die in the process



They basically claim a large army will gather to attack Israel and the Jews will hide in Petra and then God will send down fire and or a biological eye & face melting plague to kill all the countries in the world that attack Israel

Then Jesus will appear to them and they will accept Jesus

They base this on misunderstanding

Romans 9
Zechariah 12
Ezekiel 38

I do not believe this but this is my understanding of what I heard them say

Whether or not the Bible is true they are wrong

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