DEI means the society is infested with incompetent people in positions of power they are unable to wield. Such society is guaranteed to collapse.



Sadly it is not guaranteed to collapse

What if each non DEI hire becomes more productive every year to compensate for the DEI hires becoming a larger percent of the workplace

For example they could make one man do all the real work and surround him by diversity hires that are only there to force him to work and outnumber him so much that he can not resist them

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Hermes Conrad on Spa 5

Tanim Islam


"Australian man is a stereo-typical Australian man who always seems to be a slave. He was tricked into becoming a slave on Spa 5. Zoidberg recommended the planet. Hermes Conrad gets the Spa 5 to run efficiently by having him do all the work. "

"He is proud to be a bureaucrat and has even organized Spa 5, a forced labor camp, to be worked on by one Australian Man."


Running so efficiently that all the physical labor is now done by a single Australian man



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