Of course, the mainstream beanie head calls for end to the idea of society pulling funds together for the elderly because he thinks those who don't have kids should suffer.
Does this dumbass realise that statistically, not everyone can and should have kids? (e.g. Catholic priests, nuns, monks, etc).

So, either men get fucked by the system or suffer and die for choosing to avoid a rigged game.
*stamp 1:56:20



Presuming voting made a difference we should remove the funds for the elderly because baby boomers caused the financial crisis in how they voted

Even if voting did not make a difference they caused the financial crisis by their culture and their actions

Baby boomers were the hippies so we should remove the funds for the elderly

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@shortstories But, it's not baby boomers that is the concern now.I'm concerned about the young MGTOW men of today and policy that punishes people for not having kids.
A lot of the boomers are dying off soon anyway 🤣

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