I'm seeing this everywhere now, so I guess this is the new controlled opposition narrative: "Israel is bad, but only because the people in charge aren't real Jews! They're Khazarian/Frankists/Satanists!
They're not following the Torah, but disrespecting it"

This is obviously a cope and I'm sure it will play very well among Christian groups, especially since the people spewing these stories, also deny dinosaurs existed, like Candace Owens:





Orthodox Jew Talmud Sanhedrin 54b says, "Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable."

This is in opposition to Leviticus 18&20

They are not Jews

@shortstories My guy, THINK for one second. You're claiming they aren't Jews because of a little detail they dispute and debate (to this day). And their claim is that it isn't actual intercourse, so in their heads it doesn't go against what's written in Leviticus. Otherwise, something like performing the Metzitzah would be punishable by death.

They ARE Jews. They're more Jewish than anyone else on this planet. You are falling for the Christian controlled opposition.

@shortstories FFS, we finally relearned what we had forgotten for generations, that Judaism IS Zionism and now suddenly we're evolving backwards and calling the elephant in the room everything but what it actually is.

Oy vey, shut it down, these aren't Jews, this isn't Judaism, it's the inversion of Judaism, it's Satanism, it's the Khazarians, it's the Frankists, the Freemasons, it's everyone but them again.


In a sense most people who call themselves Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jews are not zionists but globalists

It is a mistake to think that they are doing all these bad things to get rulership of one tiny region in the world they call zion

They want people who they classify as Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews to rule the whole world

They basically consider anyone who is not a Christian who has a mother who they classify as Jewish to be Jewish at a tenet of their racist religion

@shortstories And that's precisely what is in the Jewish holy texts, it's not about a little nation in the middle east, the stories end with them ruling over all mankind and having an endless supply of slaves. Every knee shall bow.

This is what Judaism looks like, Judaism is Zionism, that's the "racist religion" we're talking about. Do some of these Jews have slightly different lineages? Sure, but their blood is still far more pure than anyone else's. They are "more real" Jews than anyone alive



If I take a bag of tea & put it in the center of a cup of water & hold the bag in the same place

The water will have a higher concentration of tea closer to the tea bag even though the chemicals disperse and leave the center

Even though some Israelites were kicked out of Palestine / Israel the highest concentration of percent Israelite ancestry is closest to the source where they were dispersed from in Palestine

Palestinians have the highest percent Israelite ancestry

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0


The closer to Israel someone's ancestors are from generally the higher percent Israelite ancestry they will have

Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews ancestors came from places farther away from Israel than the Palestinians so they generally have a lower percent Israelite ancestry than Palestinians since they primarily only came to Israel recently after the so called State of Israel was fabricated and Palestinians were living in or closer to Israel for many generations

@shortstories I can agree that some Palestinians may have more of a claim to the land than some Jews, but that doesn't make them "fake Jews" regardless. Shepardic and Ashkenazi Jews, assuming they can prove their ancestry, are still connected to the land, even if they left long ago. They are for all intents and purposes Jews.

I'm not going to say who the "true Israelites" are, but these Jews are real Jews regardless and they all came from the same place.

When Ashkenazis & Sephardim people are called Jews the problem is that some people who read the Bible mistake them for practicing the religion the fictitious or real God of the Old Testament ( OT ) prescribed through the OT Prophets

That religion forbid kidnapping, murder, adultery, bestiality & male on male homosexuality

I would suggest that they do not practice that religion & they would behave relatively better if they practiced it instead of Talmud


I am not saying that I would want to live in a society run by the old testament

I am just saying that a society run by the old testament would be a lot less bad than a society run by the Talmud for both gentiles and people who are called Jews

@shortstories Someone should tell them that "Jew" is a relatively recent word that shouldn't be associated with the people of that time. If anything it should mean modern/rabbinic Judaism. Most non-rabbinic forms of Judaism don't use the word "Jew" or "Judaism" and neither did the Hebrews back then.

So all this confusion stems from Christians. The elephant in the room are Jews, it's the people who lived in biblical Israel that weren't called that and weren't all from the tribe of Judah either.

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