Those who say that the USA is a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget are liars.


You do not need to balance the budget

If one dollar is worth 0 ounces of gold then two dollars is worth the same number of ounces of gold

You can literally print or electronically generate as much money as you want and it will not lose value because it is already worthless

I would suggest maxing out on spending and buying physical items

When people realize the dollars have no value then you will have much stuff as possible

That is why China buys so much raw materials



The U.S.A. should be buying as much raw material as possible from it's enemies and manufacturing things in the U.S.A. with it

It's real enemies are the United Kingdom and Eurupean Union countries, Israel, China, North Korea and all other countries that suppress free speech with Holocaust denial laws or laws that forbid you from switching religions from Islam to something else in some but not necessarily all so called Muslim countries

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