There should be a new version of the Bible that replaces words like Jews, Judeans, Hebrews and Israelites with Kikes whenever they are portrayed as doing, saying or thinking something bad
Those times that Jesus healed a bunch of people and turned over the money changers table
The times that the Israeli prophets told the kikes to stop doing bad things
When the apostles miraculously healed people
When the Christian Israelis told the kikes to stop doing bad stuff
@Eiregoat @Deplorable_Degenerate @Frondeur
"If they are Kazarians or something else then it's a huge cohencidence that they happen to behave in an identical manner and cause all the same problems"
So there were a certain group of relatively good descendants of Israel and another group of relatively bad descendants of Israel in terms of their behavior
The bad descendants of Israel converted the ancestors of the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and taught them bad behavior
@Eiregoat @Deplorable_Degenerate @Frondeur
The Syrian Palestinian Christians and Muslims are the better behaved descendants of the Israelites and have a higher percent Israelite ancestry than the Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jews"
Why did Moses tell people not to engage in human sacrifice in Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 and probably elsewhere if Moses was doing human sacrifice?
Do you have manuscripts other than the old testament confirming kikes committed human sacrifice?
Even in their own editorialised fanfic they come across as the villains trying to make themselves look good but failing.