There should be a new version of the Bible that replaces words like Jews, Judeans, Hebrews and Israelites with Kikes whenever they are portrayed as doing, saying or thinking something bad

When are they portrayed as doing something good?

Even in their own editorialised fanfic they come across as the villains trying to make themselves look good but failing.


Those times that Jesus healed a bunch of people and turned over the money changers table

The times that the Israeli prophets told the kikes to stop doing bad things

When the apostles miraculously healed people

When the Christian Israelis told the kikes to stop doing bad stuff

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By the time of Jesus they had toned it down to the point that they no longer performed child sacrifice, or at least publicly forbade it and retconned "cherem" to "excommunicate" because they knew it'd make the Romans angry.

Back in the day those prophets likely all engaged in it. And the "bad things" they told them to stop doing were largely related to adopting goy culture.

I have a deep dive on jewish child sacrifice I can post if you want. It gets pretty ugly.
I don't get why anyone on the right would find it shocking to suggest the jews engage in child sacrifice. They still do it to this day.
@Eiregoat @shortstories equivocation...

accusing the prophets who condemned child sacrifice of child sacrifice is a bad take...
The only evidence they ever did condemn child sacrifice comes from a heavily retconned book that is not a reliable narration of their history.

There's also plenty of other evidence in that book that child sacrifice was going on at that time and was not condemned.
@Eiregoat @shortstories >the only evidence...

ah you mean the Bible??? so the best evidence there is...your portrayal of the narrative here is it for yourself...
@Frondeur @Eiregoat @shortstories i've always been of hte opinion God's first purpose for the roman empire was to have them destroy hte baby killers of carthage.
@Frondeur @Eiregoat @shortstories then later they fascilitated the spread of Christianity through roads and well placed peresecutions.
If you genuinely think it's an accurate portrayal of history then there's not much point continuing this.
We can only use the sources you approve of then, that say they're just an offbrand Canaanite, their worst enemy who they were instructed to wipe from the face of the earth for burning children alive before idols of Molech?
> who they were instructed to wipe from the face of the earth for burning children alive


The jews wanted their land, so they conveniently heard a voice from god telling them the land was theirs really, and anyone squatting on it were bad people for doing so.

They even teamed up with another canaanite tribe to pull it off, but then when they won they realised they wanted their land too. They rationalised that since they wanted their land, but couldn't take it because they were allies, the alliance was a trick, so they were justified in taking their land.

During this process they engaged in Cherem (human sacrifice) by dragging enemy civilians and POWs before alters of yahweh and cutting them to pieces.

Not a single part of their conquest had anything to do with stopping human sacrifice, any more than their conquest of Palestine is to do with stopping terrorism or their conquest of Europe is to do with ending racism. They are driven by the jewish need to control everything around them, nothing more noble or holy than that.
Read the screencaps, the source is the bible.

My contention is that it is not a reliable source. There is clear evidence it has been editorialised to Whitewash jewish behaviour, just not well enough to conceal everything they actually did.
Bottom line, jews lie. They are narcissists who can't accept the possibility of being wrong, or bad, so they rewrite history to make themselves the good guys.

Their books about their conquest of the levant are no more reliable versions of events than their books about world war 2.
Bottom line, you are assuming modern jews are telling the truth about who they claim to be.
I'm claiming they act identically to biblical jews, even by their own accounts.

If they are Kazarians or something else then it's a huge cohencidence that they happen to behave in an identical manner and cause all the same problems.
They do and do not. They do act like Esau, who against God's commandment race mixed with a Canaanite creating the Edomites.

They do act like Judah, who did the same creating the Shelanites, and sold his brother into slavery.

They did act like Canaanites when Moses was gone for just a few days and started idol worship and sacrifices necessitating a purge within their own ranks and the law against Molech.

The Bible does not speak highly of them, you're right, that's no big secret or open revelation. They're repeatedly called a stiff necked people, implying stubborn and mulish.

But they act like Edomites, which is what they are. They act like Gibeonites, who openly lied to the invading Israelis and got them to swear an oath to spare them. Which the Israelites upheld and eventually interbred with them.

But those are the parts that speak out explicitly against race mixing with these people you'd rather ignore for undeterminate reasons.
They act like jews.

They're supremely arrogant, act like everyone else is their property, the entire world is their property and that every horrific thing they do is justified because the demon whispering in their ear said it's ok.

Then they write volumes of books and articles about their narc fantasies and attempt to destroy any other record of history.

The story of the gibeonites is the prime example of kikes retconning the past to justify their treason. Only a jew could take a story about them stabbing their ally in the back and try to spin it as "it was their fault really and we were merciful for enslaving them."

The exact same broken personality shines through in the torah and talmud. They're the same people.
Jefferson also made a fan-edit of the new testament where he boiled it down to only the parts explaining christian ethics and theology.
They acted like the land they hailed from originally was their's and not the Canaanite's, yes.

But you literally have a group of people who have been known to lie about who they actually are and use race mixing as a way to infiltrate and subvert societies like kikes have repeatedly in the Bible but that's just too obvious.

But the Judeans were Canaanites, according to you. Those other Canaanites though were just innocent victims.
They were all semetic tribes massacring and backstabbing each other. I doubt the Gibeonites were saints, they just got outjewed.

The origin of the people in that region were the criminal runaways and outcasts of the surrounding civilisations squatting on a prime trade route and raiding caravans. There's really no way they were going to turn out to be the good guys, much as they might have rationalised themselves to be.

@Eiregoat @Deplorable_Degenerate @Frondeur

"If they are Kazarians or something else then it's a huge cohencidence that they happen to behave in an identical manner and cause all the same problems"

So there were a certain group of relatively good descendants of Israel and another group of relatively bad descendants of Israel in terms of their behavior

The bad descendants of Israel converted the ancestors of the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and taught them bad behavior

@Eiregoat @Deplorable_Degenerate @Frondeur

The Syrian Palestinian Christians and Muslims are the better behaved descendants of the Israelites and have a higher percent Israelite ancestry than the Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jews"

They're better behaved only in the sense that they're too far from Europe to significantly damage us.

I refuse to acknowledge any distinctions between jews and israelites post bronze age. They are purely imaginary.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Deplorable_Degenerate @shortstories @Eiregoat @Frondeur 2 Kings 3:27 also has the king of Moab make a child sacrifice to Chemosh, who then beats Yahweh in battle
Reading comprehension on Aiur isn't what it used to be.
And the phoenicians/carthaginians were constantly making child sacrifices. It was a very common practice among semites.
Just carefully going to quickly hide the wickerman my celtic brother
In fairness there isn't any evidence of celts sacrificing kids.

The only bodies we've recovered with obvious evidence of execution were adult men, and likely of noble origin.
Sort of. There's some evidence to suggest they were still polytheistic up until 1st or 2nd century BC. The claim that they were always strictly monotheistic was likely retconned into older stories by a later monotheistic cult. Likely the pharisees. Along with other myths borrowed from surrounding cultures like the story of noah (originally sumerian) or the origin of moses (originally indo-european, via the persians).


Why did Moses tell people not to engage in human sacrifice in Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 and probably elsewhere if Moses was doing human sacrifice?

Do you have manuscripts other than the old testament confirming kikes committed human sacrifice?

Did he?

We know jews were at least somewhat polytheistic as late as a couple centuries BC, there's a letter from a smaller jewish town to the temple in Jerusalem asking permission to establish a temple to another jewish deity. We don't have the reply of course, which may have been "no." But they wouldn't have written the letter unless they thought the answer might be "yes."

This flies in the face of biblical claims that the jews had been monotheists since the bronze age. Also given the significant discrepancies in the dead sea scrolls it's clear that the old testament wasn't a document that was faithfully copied since ancient times, it was constantly being chopped, changed and edited to suit the politics of the current year.

So if a jewish scribe around 0ad writes Moses as forbidding human sacrifice that tells us two things:

1. It was considered forbidden around 0ad

2. They had been doing it at some point, and possibly were still doing it. Otherwise there would be no need for a prohibition.

We also have references to kings after Moses engaging in cherem so even if he did make such a prohibition it didn't stick.

> Do you have manuscripts other than the old testament confirming kikes committed human sacrifice?

Do I need one? Like I said, why would they have a prohibition for something no one was doing. You don't see the pope issuing papal bulls warning catholics not to sacrifice babies, because catholics aren't doing that.
@shortstories @Eiregoat
Leviticus 18:21 "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD."
Oh thank god, I thought sacrificing my children had been forbidden, but only to _Molech_ not to a mighty god like Yahweh.
Also Abraham and Jephthah.
@Eiregoat @shortstories That's why you cannot trust a "good Jew". For every genuinely reformed one there's at least 100 play-acting.

The only trustworthy Jew (ignoring the genetics debate) was Jesus.

Send them all to Madagascar and let God sort them out.
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