@shortstories @RodrickSage Yes I recall someone, I think it was Mr. Trump, saying he wanted to bring down housing prices, and a bunch of boomers on the twitter website were complaining about it, primarily for the first reason you listed. Thank you friend.

@bebe @RodrickSage

Also fractional Reserve Lending + mortgages results in a raise in property costs compared to full reserve Lending only or not being allowed to get home loans or stricter loan requirements

@shortstories @RodrickSage I think two income households also play a big part. The average buyer will have about twice the money available to buy houses now than in the past, so the market naturally charges more to account for this. Thank you friend.

@bebe @RodrickSage

Most jobs women get paid to do would not exist without tax where as there are important jobs that are more common for men than women that have to be done and would get done even if taxpayers are not paying for these jobs because people would die on a massive scale without these jobs

Men pay taxes to send their own kids to public school because they can not afford home school because the tax rate is too high to pay for their wife's job

@shortstories @bebe yes the HUGE injection of migrants into the labor market destroyed wage, it was already bad enough man had to compete with woman


@RodrickSage @bebe

Let's say we presume monogamous marriages as the typical default

Let's say in the past only a husband would work 40 hours per week

What if we have the husband and wife work 40 hours per week each for a total of 80 hours per week

But pay them half as much per hour

Then as a couple they are working more total combined hours but not getting paid more money

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@shortstories @bebe now add huge injection of migrant, at a time, and wages lower cuz there's an ocean of workers to replace does who leave.

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