am sorry but, how can we complain about athletes earning multi-million-dollar contract but, we are ok with CEOs making multi millions too?

like come on, CEOs can take a pay cut of 25% to raise salaries and still be earning millions like your really going to make me believe going from 10 to 8 million will hurt him that much?

funny how WE have to be minimalistic but, how dare us pretend they would ever lower their standards of living, so what if i they have mansions with 40 rooms

@RodrickSage we are sea e ohs said the sand nigger from rapeistan. What's next minimum wage is a good idea?

@MrpoopyButhole @RodrickSage

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@MrpoopyButhole @RodrickSage

CEO's can not raise salaries because then employees would save money and quit working their jobs

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