technical college costs less than universities and tends to teach more skills
credits might not transfer to a University
@shortstories yeah i'll just pay for trade school with the jobs i can totally get
No job means free insurance in U.S.A.
Free insurance means free evaluations to get a disability
See a psychologist or mental health counselor and tell them that you do not feel well because you can not get or keep a job
Try to steer it toward seeing a fancy person to give you a free neouropsychological exam to test for a disability
There are a lot of them autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, etc.
Apply for disability a lot of times once they diagnose you until they are tired of saying no
@shortstories i dont live in the USA and I have a bit more pride than that
Should be even easier to get welfare in Europe and English dominated countries
If it is not Europe or the U.S.A. or a English dominated country
You should be able to get a job with no skills not necessarily a good job but a job
Unless you really are to disabled to do physical labour
Maybe move to Europe they are not supposed to reject refugees and give free health care
Unless you are white or Christian
I wish you were better sorry I do not know how to help
I ran out of advice and do not send money to strangers on the internet
All I can think of right now is make a youtube channel about how horrible your cancer is and milk it for money which will probably get taken down from youtube or try some way to get some local community to help you