
Are you willing to change your mind about Orthodox Jews not being a threat to the well being and or freedom of people who they do not classify as Jewish

Could any amount of information ever convince you that Orthodox Jews are bad for the well being and or freedom of people who Orthodox Jews do not consider to be of Jewish ancestry and or religion?


@33c74427f3b2b73d5e38f3e6c991c122a55d204072356f71da49a0e209fb6940 @Tfmonkey

21 thousand posts from 2024 December 7 until Septermber 23 is listed on my profile description

I do not need to share Jew folder

I have already shown enough unless he requests something really specific

He just kept on saying something like Jews are bad but the Orthodox Jews are Ok because they are not feminist & have high birth rates & leave you alone

But hostile groups with higher birth rates are more dangerous

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@33c74427f3b2b73d5e38f3e6c991c122a55d204072356f71da49a0e209fb6940 @Tfmonkey

People who have at least one parent who claimed to be Jewish have gone against the evil so called Jewish religion like Bobby Fischer

I do not have a problem with them because of their ancestry but because of the behaviors their religious teaching promote

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