
In 1928, Adolf Hitler said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian."

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@NonPlayableClown @shortstories I realized something was wrong when I was casting a WW2 comedy movie in my head and the closest match for Hitler was Adam Sandler
Why did you think Taika Waititi played him in the film jojo rabbit. 😏
He worshiped Wodin which makes him better than a christcuck

@shortstories These few pro-Christian quotes were all spoken before he won the election. And over 95% of Germans were Christian at that time. So tell me, why do you think a politician, one who took money from Jewish sources to finance his campaign (which he would later betray), say these things to an overwhelmingly Christian audience? And then rebrand it as "Positive Christianity" and write that Christianity was one of the first spiritual terrors that entered a far freer ancient world.

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories If 95% of the Weimar Republic were christians that would explain All the but butt sex gay stuff in Germany before he took power.

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