If people could be responsible for themselves, no government would be necessary.

If people require government to be responsible for them, they will be ruled by those made responsible.

You cannot elect a government to be responsible for the people, while the people retain their authority. That is why democracy is a joke, and why it can only be maintained via deceit and illusion.

Responsibility and authority go together. To sever the two is to invite destruction and tyranny in equal measure.

@Tfmonkey Shouldn't government provide a system for redress? Infrastructure i.e. roads, fire, police, post office? Isn't it reasonable that in the absence of a government, a government will naturally form?
I can't remember where I heard this argument.


@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey we’re operating with the pretense of a government by the people and for the people. It’s a government of petty rulers over the people.

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