@Tfmonkey I think you overestimate the IQ of white nationalists.

They're WAY too low IQ/stubborn to team up with Islam.

I know it makes sense to do so but they're just not rational people

Keep in mind these are the people that would rather start a RACE WAR than tell women no.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey the same simple thinking that holds race as the greatest factor is also likely to submit when faced with a sweeter deal. If (looking a lot more like when) converting to Islam, or submitting to Islamic leadership, gives them what they want: stable, healthy families and communities. and the identity those provide, then they'll find themselves justifying praying to Mecca, or being a tolerated christian minority in a new caliphite


@basedbagel @Tfmonkey I used to think the Islamization thing was far fetched, but Muslims have fervor which is overlooked. They're true believers in their way of life and culture. To them, of course it's the only proper way.

Europe could not have become an empire without the church. But today Christianity is remnant of the past for most Euros. Similar situation in n. America.

Muslims don't have to become a majority to take over. They need some numbers, but also conviction, organization & $

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey What I'm trying to say is the decline of Christianity left a large vacuum. LIke if the west kicked daddy Jesus out of the house and now would like nothing more than step daddy mohammed to move in and take care of everything. If the women do this, will the men not follow suit?

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