Catholic priests aren't pedophiles.

Satanic LGBT men are pedophiles.

The reason why gays came to the priesthood:

1. Good cover if you want to stay in the closet and never get married

2. You get alone time with kids who see you as a trustworthy authority figure.

Any profession with those characteristics will attract them.

Catholics could have solved this problem YEARS ago if they just let the priests get married but they wanted to keep to tradition.

Now their image is ruined.

@basedbagel We have all heard the “Catholic pedo” line but if you look at the stats you’ll see teachers are 8x more likely to be pedophiles, Catholicism also has one the lowest rates of such behaviour from almost every demographic.
I find it funny when people use usually Catholic Priests as an example of a failing of Christianity. When non-Christians commit crimes, people see that as an individual failure, not the fault of their ideology.


@sardonicsmile @basedbagel

I wonder what the sex/gender breakdown is of abusers in the church vs school teachers. Hmmmm

Yeah the abuse cases were definitely used to attack the church for other reasons, basically being an obstacle to the progressive tyranny state.

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