Just thinking: women use the word insecurity to gaslight bottom 80% men. Notice how no woman ever accuses a Chad or Tyrone of being insecure.


they do not accuse them of being insecure but I do

I have a problem with a woman who chooses a poor criminal over a rich man and then taxes the rich man to pay for the children she had with the poor criminal

It is not right for men who are not financially responsible to reproduce and then tax responsible men to pay for their children's welfare

Choosing a moral man should be a higher priority than a rich man

But a lot of these poor criminals women choose are extra immoral


@shortstories @sardonicsmile

A man’s morals are the last thing a woman cares about. Men know that’s what matters but women decide.

It’s true they love the baddest boys. They love danger and destruction. As long as they don’t have to pay for it.

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