@Tfmonkey In not shocking news. The US government has targeted ROLLO.

MASSIVE! The US Dept of Homeland Security paid nearly $700,000 to a counter-terrorism NGO to "intercept and divert" Twitter/X traffic away from specific individuals in the manosphere.

among others were specifcally named as targets.

@theFlow @Tfmonkey

Good find. And since that dates to Jan 2022, it also kind of reads like a justification for the Tate's prison takedown.

@UncleIroh this report is from September 2023. I found another report from the Mccain institute from 2021


My bad, I thought I saw a screenshot of a web-archive page dating back to Jan 22 somewhere in there.

This is all great stuff. Just shows how heavily invested the Cathedral is in keeping this gyno bullshit LARP going, and how effective the manosphere is since it's succeeded in redpilling an entire generation of young men despite the fuckery.

This is a major white pill.


@UncleIroh any guy who isn't married or in a relationship will be on terror watch list.

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