Syrian Rebels Capture Aleppo in 3 Days | Syrian Civil War Rekindled | Decisive Week Ahead

@Mongoliaboo TIL Four of the 9/11 hijackers passports survived the attack. Two were recovered from the wreckage of flight 93, one was recovered in luggage that had missed a connecting flight, and the fourth was recovered on the floor outside the WTC prior to the towers' collapse. i guess

Libertarianism vs. Liberalism: What's the Difference? | Polandball/Ideologyball History & Philosophy

@37712 the video is not mainly about hitler, and yes i know that hitler only declared war on the usa was because he figured that the usa would declare war on him anyway and he did it because he told japan he would do so if they went to war with the usa in the hopes that japans navy would tie up the usa's and give hitler enough time to knock out the ussr and turn his forces back west

I Helped The CIA Move Cocaine To The States- Rare Lost 80s Hit Song

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