
Turns out the Feds and other Governments have been spying on all push notifications the whole time and using it to even de-anonymise users on anonymous messenger apps.
And they placed a gag order on so they don't tell users.

These evil tyrants can't give us a break 🤦‍♂️

I doubt @ntfy and @unifiedpush is any safer

@tournel @unifiedpush Imagine allowing that to happen to yourself
Imagine allowing jewgle spyware on your system
@unifiedpush @tournel (Also, the whole point of UP is that it connects only to your own server. Run a packet sniffer on it on both sides.)
@unifiedpush @tournel Hell you can even write your own UP implementation and use that. Good luck backdooring that, jewgle!

@Zerglingman @unifiedpush
I guess that makes a safer option.
Now I have to learn cloud management 🤣

@tournel @unifiedpush A particular implementation might be backdoored, but if you're running it yourself (eg. ntfy/, which seems to be pretty popular due to how easy it is to get running), you can audit it.

@tournel @ntfy @unifiedpush

It's funny how everything Big Tech likes seems to be related to spying.

@teknomunk @tournel @ntfy @unifiedpush

It seems to be their business model: get money from government, do what government wants, then ignore the fact that tech has stagnated since 1992 or so.

I doubt @ntfy and @unifiedpush is any safer

There are some fundamental differences, like open source allowing your to check the integrity of the app for yourself and self-hosting instead of trusting somebody else to handle your notifications. I’m not a fan of the NTFY author having a company while residing where he does though, so many national laws that could put him in hot water and he wouldn’t be able to tell us.

@tournel @ntfy @unifiedpush

Android + GrapheneOS + manual pull FTW.

When I briefly had an Apple I turned off all notifications. Forget comsec & infosec for a minute, just the "quality of life improvements" alone are worth it.

@tournel @ntfy @unifiedpush
Can you imagine using a goy phone or soy appledick in 2023?

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