
Another one bites the dust.
There goes the last privacy respecting and pseudo-annonymous p2p trading site for Monero/Bitcoin.

The global forces at work

@2b9a828913e945b2315406523c0e578a076bad56ea3c4ea7931392f70d1a8a3c the problem is that's for swapping coins.
The ramps to get the coins in the first place are getting nuked or going KYC

@2b9a828913e945b2315406523c0e578a076bad56ea3c4ea7931392f70d1a8a3c @tournel
I'm not referring to MoonPay 🤦‍♂️
P2p platforms allow bank transfer (the info is not automatically shared with a central ID gathering platform like au10tix), cash payment in person.
Hence why I said pseudo-annonymous. Finding you out will require the State to at least figure out/target your username on the platform, then subpeona and look through all messages between you and the traders to link transactions. There's also jurisdictional boundaries.

Unlike KYC where you literally identify yourself right away to a global ID platform before you even start. Eliminating the jurisdictional boudaries and making it easier for then organise all your addresses and trasactions.

Don't let the fact that p2p isn't perfect be the reason to rid it off and for something worse.


Max Igan said something like that crypto currency will not work when the government says you need to have a special ID to use the internet so that you can not log into the internet to use the crypto currency unless you get the fake vaccines and follow all the government regulations

He said something like you can make money off crypto currency in the short run to use that money to buy things to prepare for the societal hardships the government plans but crypto is bad in the long run

@shortstories @tournel there will always be methods around this such as VPN, tor, i2p, mixnests, and whatever new method pops up

so even if you need some ID to get connected you can then connect to the real internet after that

now is a good time to start experimenting with alt-net tech

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