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The Ring clip was cut to remove context and Hillary wiped out over 8000hrs of Ring footage.
She claims she is financial distress, yet she receives 25K per month and payment of legal fees from Crowder

Just like how Lyndsey Hill and her psychopath lawyer knowing spread lies to destroy Trevor Bauer, the same lawyer is now helping Hillary run a PR campaign to extort money from Steven
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Crowder has to pay $25k in child support that his ex wife uses to pay lawyers to go after him

He has to fund his own destruction

How fucked is US divorce court

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A bitch decides to leave a relationship. Despite getting $25K per month in Child support.
Then starts leaking private videos with no context and teams up with a simp to attack his public reputation.


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So @scottadamssays makes some good points here, but the crucial thing he’s missing is that the #1 group the average black man in America doesn’t want to offend or cross is black women. Black women, unfortunately, run the black community and they determine the politics, which is overwhelmingly Democrat. When you consider this, our collective results (or lack thereof) isn’t really a surprise.

Politically speaking, black men do what black women want them to do, plain and simple. And black women want you to vote Democrat and follow them, because they know better, of course—I mean, they’re the de facto leaders of the community after all.

The moment you realize, as a black man, that you aren’t a victim and you decide to take ownership of your life and lead (as you’re meant to do as a man), you’re effectively exiled from the community. Your new name is “Coon” and “Uncle Tom” and you lose all of your so-called friends (and some of your family may even disown you).

It all comes down to this: Victimhood is like crack to the black community and Democrats love this. When you have perpetual victims, it’s extremely easy to keep them coming back to you. Offer them just enough crumbs to feel like they’re accomplishing something while virtually guaranteeing they never escape your grip. This tactic works so well that black folks will turn on their fellow black folks before they turn on the Democrats who keep them shackled, every single time.

This is why I immediately have a certain amount of respect for any black man I meet who has the nuts to think for himself and move accordingly—I know, from firsthand experience, that the journey isn’t easy and I know what it cost them.

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1990s: "Who cares what they do in the privacy of their bedroom"

2000s: "Let them get married, how is people being gay effecting you"

2010s: "Tolerance isn't enough, you have to accept them. Celebrate them and make them feel special for getting ass fucked"

2020s: "Who cares if two faggots are tongue punching each other in the fartbox in front of an elementary school, how does it effect you" (You are here)
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Got locked out of Xion (Kike run Twitter) in 1 week 🤣

#jews #zionism #twitter
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So, the #NewYorkTimes #bestseller list is bogus and not actually based in sales numbers.

The Times, which had always claimed that the list was compiled from computer sales, countered in court that its list “was not mathematically objective but was editorial content and thus protected under the Constitution as free speech.” Blatty appealed to the Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case. Thus the ruling stood that the New York Times bestseller list was “editorial content, not objective factual content” and that they had the right to exclude whatever book they wanted.

.. #nyt #nytbestseller #freespeech #scotus #fakenews

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As I see the dumb animalistic behaviours of African, #Arab and #Latino migrants, it's beginning to look like White supremacists were right to view blacks and latinos as inferior races. Visit an #African country and see how these apes behave (e.g. not picking up their trash after attending an event, disregarding simple and common-sense traffic rules, always looking for any chance to cheat for an adavantage, lack of patience or regard for other humans around them in simple interactions, etc)

.. #whitesupremacy #racism #race #white #black #blacks #africa #migrants #refugees #illegals #migration #whitereplacement #iq

A man high on get thrown in jail for shooting his girlfriend once under the influence.
A woman gets 2 years probation and no jail time after stabbing her boyfriend 100 times under the influence of .

How lovely feminist justice system is.

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Hannah Cox should shut her face hole up, take her head out of the feminist sand and look around her before asking "where are the normal men?".
Bitch, you feminist cunts have frustrated them into the caves 🤣


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The "deep state" is a trans-national phenomenon. It exists because it's the mechanism by which The Powers That Should Not Be use to control governments no matter who wins elections. They create and control the deep state using infiltration, subversion, bribery, blackmail, extortion and gaslighting.

No, their control is not total, but it's very significant. Especially over the last decades, they get their way more often than they don't.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.