
Bodybuilding , gay culture and subversion:

Joe Weider that was a really important business man in the bodybuilding world
turned bodybuilding into a facade for gay prostitution since the 60's . Quite
interesting the fact how he did it . He also had a casting couch so
all the bodybuilders that won the Mr Olympia and those prizes had to fuck him .


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I always had a sneaking suspicion that body uilding was gay.


For God's sake, nothing's what it ever seems.

Back in my blue-pilled youth everyone looked up to Joe Weider and what he'd built.

It's precisely this kind of bullshit that turns people against them. Can these kikes not create anything without corrupting it with degeneracy?

@ugly_bastard_reborned Body Builders : dying suddenly since before it was cool. Also gay.

@BHG @ugly_bastard_reborned

Men can just try to lift heavier weights or lift weights more times

But instead they try to achieve a certain physical appearance

There is a difference between these two types of goals

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