It’s easy to be mad at these women. But just keep in mind who gave them rights before you start blaming women.


@Pain66 I believe there is a certain degree to where men where more likely dooped in to giving women rights. @Tfmonkey might have more knowledge on this. But back in thise days men who opposed women rights where vilified and those who supported it where idolized by the MSM and all the acts if terror by the 3rd wave feminists where simply swept under the rug. Not much has changed since those days, except that the spindoctors are of far lower quality.

@37712 @Pain66 I think men only helped. For most part I would blame system that wanted for women to work and be like men. But through the time it got out of hands.

Because if it was on men we would not have consumer based society. LIke what you need as men is basic necessities. No stupid decorations or stupid furniture.

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