
The Holocaust happened, but it was mostly people starving and dying of dysentery in concentration camps.

The soap, electrocution ponds, lampshades, bending guns, gas chambers, and ovens stories are all ridiculous.

@amerika In other words, the holocaust didn't happen. It wasn't a bunch of depraved cartoonishly evil nazis doing Drukhari stuff to a bunch of children like some warhammer 40k lore, it was starvation due to supply chain shocks caused by bombing railroads. Makes sense to me.



There were also field executions, most of which were by partisans, and barn burnings in isolated villages.

Mengele's experiments were real too.

I don't think this lessens the horror, in my view, but it amplifies it: anywhere there are concentration camps or gulags, people are being purged.

@amerika Yes, but genocide is acceptable now that Israel wants to do a little genocide to the Palestinians so that means nothing that happened there is wrong.

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