
The Holocaust happened, but it was mostly people starving and dying of dysentery in concentration camps.

The soap, electrocution ponds, lampshades, bending guns, gas chambers, and ovens stories are all ridiculous.


@amerika In other words, the holocaust didn't happen. It wasn't a bunch of depraved cartoonishly evil nazis doing Drukhari stuff to a bunch of children like some warhammer 40k lore, it was starvation due to supply chain shocks caused by bombing railroads. Makes sense to me.

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There were also field executions, most of which were by partisans, and barn burnings in isolated villages.

Mengele's experiments were real too.

I don't think this lessens the horror, in my view, but it amplifies it: anywhere there are concentration camps or gulags, people are being purged.

@amerika Yes, but genocide is acceptable now that Israel wants to do a little genocide to the Palestinians so that means nothing that happened there is wrong.


After what Palestine did to Israel, the Israelis are being 1000% more restrained than I would be.

@amerika @Engineer

This is what they call the holocoaster meme short for the holocaust roller coaster


The Holocoaster was a famous roller coaster in the Auschwitz amusement park in Germany. It ran from 1940 to 1945, until a catastrophic failure resulted in the deaths of six million Jews.

The tragedy was later blamed on the National Socialist party for political reasons, but there is little evidence of their involvement.


@amerika @Engineer

Approximately six million jews died in the holocoasters, as part of a program of deliberate and systematic state-sponsored extermination planned and executed by Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. The holocoasters were deliberately poorly built rollercoasters designed specifically to break while the passengers were in an inversion.

Today, holocoasters are banned in all Western countries... some holocoasters are still used... Middle East.


@amerika @Engineer

Something that never happened.
My classmates are so obsessed with books about the holocoaster, they've never heard of the atrocities committed by the USSR.


Third Urban Dictionary Definition at that date of archive

@shortstories @Engineer

The Holocauster is hilarious.

In my view, the Holocaust happened, but it was basically concentration camp deaths with probably only a few hundred thousand.

People should know better than to trust Soviet-authored myths, but world Jewry was in a panic to avoid another Holocaust, so the Hollywood version was promoted.

The backlash against that is frightening.

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