As long as OIL remains king we will never advance in technology, OIL can't power next gen technology.

basic next gen technology needs nuclear fusion, OIL is 19th/20th century tech. we are SOO behind we want to use solar panels, bitch we can just make a solar panel satellite and put them close to the sun, we already have wireless charging.


@RodrickSage this guy is retarded dont listen to him

@37712 @RodrickSage

We know that nation states strategically hide the true extent of their current technology & research.

People speculate about what's hidden - cancer cures, free energy, AGI, nano-medicine, nano-surveillance, etc .. but given that the biggest predictor of civilizational growth is the cost & access to energy, I would NOT be surprised if we were sitting on some kind of free or near-free energy tech.

Weapons & energy are kingmakers. You want your best & brightest on that shit

@37712 what part of what i said is retarded? to power actual next gen tech, it needs and enormous amount of Oil, and that seems like a waste.

@RodrickSage next gen tech is just nuclear tech but with much more efficient generators that can consume more of the nuclear output, this stupid idea that we can power ourselves with solar power is retarded, fuze tech is still bery much in its infacy to such an extent that we still dont know for certain if it is feasible to use as a power source.

@37712 i also think covering an entire area seem like a waste of space and resources, and building a huge ass dome around the sun too.

maybe space truckers can deliver batteries from the sun like oil tankers, or we can master the wireless charging technology.

if its possible.

@RodrickSage wireless charging only works short range, if you knew anything of how that works you would know why your statement sounds dumb

@RodrickSage solar panels only work for a few yrs and dont produce much power, the farther away you are from the sun the less power you get, even if you manage to put enough solar panels on your soace ship after 10 yrs you can kiss your ass in space good bye

@RodrickSage if we as a the human race never fogure out how to do fusion or some other form of power then we will never leave our solar system. We might be able to reach mars but never leave the solar system.

@37712 how much oil do you think will take to reach mars?

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